Online Marketing for Hotels and Vacation Rentals

The German hotel industry enjoyed annually increasing overnight stays until 2019. In 2019 alone, early 500 million overnight stays were recorded. Holidays in vacation rentals are also becoming increasingly popular. In 2019, bookings in holiday homes and apartments were a full 71% higher than was the case in 2010 (as of May 2021, Destatis). This is also confirmed by an industry survey by the German Holiday Home Association.: The average increase in holiday home bookings in the last three years was 13%.

Despite the good market development, hoteliers and holiday apartment operators face tough competition and price wars with metasearch engines, OTAs (Online Travel Agencies) and large hotel chains.

This battle becomes particularly evident when it comes to the booking process. The potential guest is at the center of attention, even if they don’t realize it at first. Depending on which distribution platform the guest uses to make a booking, differences in the margin and thus the profit margin per booking become apparent.

In online distribution, hoteliers often face the following challenges:

Online Marketing Strategies for Hoteliers

Now, things get interesting! The question arises: what online marketing strategy can a hotelier pursue to capture the best possible profit margin in this competitive environment and reduce dependence on OTAs? To address this, we have developed the following hotel marketing portfolio entwickelt:

Find the price/performance package that suits your needs!

Optimization of the Hotel Homepage

Placement on Meta Search Engines

Management of Google Ads Campaigns

Optimal Placement on OTAs

Control via Channel Manager

Hotel Marketing for Havel-Spitze Vacation Rentals

It's evident in our collaboration that the staff has extensive experience in hotel marketing, bringing forth the right ideas for implementing and executing a hotel marketing strategy.

Reference story: Havel-Spitze Vacation Rentals

Read more about the marketing initiatives for the opening of the vacation rentals at Havel Spitze.

Read the full story about the marketing strategy!

To the Havel-Spitze reference story

Our Expertise in Hotel Online Marketing

Our Expertise in Hotel Online Marketing

We are DEHOGA basic partners

The Entrepreneurial and Economic Association of Hotel and Gastronomy in Bavaria serves as the industry’s mouthpiece in politics, media, and public perception, thereby supporting individuals employed in and engaged with the hotel and gastronomy sectors.

As a basic partner, adojo supports hoteliers in the digitalization process and online distribution.

We are a certified PROGOS partner

Progros is the first ISO-certified procurement and consulting company, and one of the leading full-service providers in the hospitality industry. Its range of services includes comprehensive digitalization of all ordering and billing processes, complete outfitting of new hotels, and daily procurement management. Progros already serves over 900 properties in 8 European countries.

As a competent partner for the digitalization of the hotel industry, we are now also progros-approved!

Feel free to inquire now with no obligation

Do you have questions about our services or would you like to get an initial assessment of your situation as a hotelier? Just let us know your concerns, and we’ll review which online marketing measures make sense for your specific situation. We look forward to hearing from you!

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