Xing Marketing for B2B Companies

Minimize Wastage with Xing Marketing

Acquiring new customers for B2B companies is often a costly and complicated endeavor. Traditional print advertising struggles with high costs and low response rates, while our lives increasingly revolve around the online sphere. Utilizing established Social Media Platforms like Facebook or Twitter often leads to high wastage for B2B companies. A genuine alternative is provided by Xing Marketing and Xing advertising. With more than 15 million members, Xing is the dominant player among business networks in the DACH region and offers extensive advertising opportunities.

Advantages of Xing Marketing for B2B Companies

With Xing advertising, you can place your message in a professional and reputable environment. The biggest advantage for advertisers is undoubtedly the user base itself, as Xing boasts diverse career levels, educational backgrounds, and industries. The extensive targeting options allow you to filter by various criteria, ensuring that you reach your target audience with minimal wastage.

What Can I Achieve with Xing Marketing?

Employer Branding & Recruiting on Xing

By creating an appealing company profile, you can showcase your company perfectly to potential employees and position yourself as an attractive employer. You can position job postings in the Xing job market and attract valuable professionals.

Trade Show Marketing

Trade shows are one of the most important instruments for customer acquisition in the business-to-business sector. Xing Marketing is an effective support for pre- and post-trade show preparation. By placing Xing ads in the event market, you can ensure that your target audience finds you at the trade show. After the trade show, it is important to nurture the contacts you have gained. Add them to your Xing network and stay in touch with potential customers.

Direct Customer Approach

There are more decision-makers represented on Xing than in few other business networks. According to Xing, 52% of Xing users hold management positions. These are valuable contacts, especially for B2B companies. Observe the activities of your target groups in groups and, if necessary, address your target group directly – a prerequisite should be a well-maintained company profile so that you make a professional impression.

Reputation Management

Xing Marketing is a great opportunity to establish yourself as an expert in front of your target audience. With special business pages, you can share articles and other informative content with your contacts. With the help of Xing ads, you can also promote your content to specific target groups, increasing your visibility within the network.

Benefit from Extensive Advertising Opportunities on Xing

With Xing Marketing and Xing advertising, you can reach your target audience in various ways while minimizing wastage. As you can see, Xing Marketing has many facets – extensive targeting options and advertising formats sometimes make it challenging to navigate and target measures effectively within the business network. We’re happy to provide professional support – schedule a free consultation appointment!

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