SEA and Google Ads Training

Google Ads is a term you’re familiar with, and you understand the purpose of keywords, but you’re hesitant to tackle bid adjustments and placement selections on your own?

If you’re looking to use search engine advertising specifically for your business, we provide you with the necessary know-how. In an SEA workshop at adojo, you’ll learn about the possibilities of Google Ads step by step and work together with our specialists to implement them.

Customized SEA Training for Your Business
Whether you want to get an overview of the display jungle or become a keyword king right away, it’s entirely up to you. We’re happy to tailor our training content and goals to you and your company in a preliminary discussion. Our training is suitable for individual employees who need targeted training in areas such as SEA, AdWords, and more, as well as for small groups and departments looking to learn the basics of search engine advertising.

What to Expect from an SEA Workshop?

Starting from the importance and selection of the right keywords, we guide you through the fundamental functions of Google AdWords. How do I recognize a successful AdWords campaign? How do I interpret metrics correctly, and what does the quality score of an ad actually describe? We answer all these questions in our AdWords training, and you’ll learn other relevant tips for successful SEA campaigns. Discover various SEA measures for different company goals, soon take control of AdWords campaign setups yourself, and learn which metrics are relevant for your reporting.

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